Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Journey home

Dear Campers,
Awesome job during the workout yesterday.  It always feels so good to start the week with a great story and and a good workout.  For me, it helps to set my priorities for the week that lies ahead.  If you have not checked in with your boot camp buddy in a few days, today would be the perfect day to reconnect and encourage our faithful, fit friends.
This morning in our biblical journey we learned that Naomi encouraged her daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpha to return to their parents homes.   She told them that she was going to return to Bethelehem because she had heard that the famine was over.  Naomi felt like she could live out the rest of her life in her old home town.  She thanked both of the girls for their love and service.  Orpha lovingly kissed Naomi goodbye and went on her way to return to her family, but Ruth insisted on staying with Naomi through the journey home and helping her build a new life in Bethelehem. 
Now is the time for introspection.....  Do you tend to be more like Orpha or Ruth?  Are there situations in life when it is okay to be like Orpha?  Do you have "Ruth" friends and "Orpha" friends?  Is a combination of the best possible situation?  Can an "Orpha" relationship still bring you joy?  What is the true lesson to be learned from the story?  Just think and pray about it and the answers will come. 
I don't know if you have seen the signs about the traffic being re-routed from 377 to 51 through the square.  I have called the Granbury Street Dept to find out exactly where the closure will be.  I think that 51 will be accessible by going by Decker Gym from the west and by the Post Office from the east.  They have not returned my call yet.  If those routes will not work, I will send another email to let you know.  It might be a good idea to give yourself an extra minute or two in the morning.  I can't wait to see you dark and early tomorrow morning.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'm with you!

Dear Campers,
I just wanted to let you know that there is a 100% chance of rain tomorrow morning at 5:00 AM and inform you that this will not prevent you from attending RBC!!!  Make the commitment right now!   Allow for a few extra minutes of driving time and be careful.  (*Remember all our prayers for rain?)    Also, we get to meet two important people tomorrow morning.   Until your heart find a home, I won't let you be alone...I'm with you!  

See you dark and early tomorrow.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Arrival in Moab

Dear Campers,
It has been a great week on our journey from Bethlehem to Moab.  First, you got to choose what you were taking with you and what you were leaving behind and today you arrived in Moab, (your new place in the gym.)  Your will stay in Moab all of next week.  Get to know your new neighbors!  
If you are interested in doing the Cowtown 5K, 10K, Half or Full Marathon on Feb 25 and 26, sign up today.  Today is the last day to register and get the team discount.  Visit the Cowtown website and look for team registration.  Our team is the Hood County YMCA.  You are ready for this.  It will be so fun!  There will groups running/walking groups leaving the Y tomorrow morning at 6:00 and 6:30.  Your training can start tomorrow!

The weather today will be beautiful.  Go outside, even if it is only for a few minutes!  I will see all of your pleasant faces dark and early Monday.


Thursday, January 19, 2012


Dear Campers,
Are you living and/or seeking the meaning of YOUR name?  There will be a quizz in the morning..............  If you have a name that yeilds "no match" when you search for it, then have someone very close to you give your name meaning.  For example, Menielle did not have any results when she searched for her name so I said she is Menielle...sharer of the Blessing!  Thank you so much for all the love and energy that each of you share with me.

See you dark and early,

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Quick question

Dear Campers,
So, what are you taking and what are you leaving behind in 2012?  

See you dark and early tomorrow,

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The real journey begins........

Dear Campers,
What a beautiful weekend it has been!  I hope that you have been outdoors to enjoy it.  Sunshine and 70 degrees in January certainly make me happy.  

I wanted to share a few things with you before we meet tomorrow.   Many of you have requested the nutrition information that I suggested on Friday.   Here it is:
1.  Drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water each day.  This is in addition to the water that you are drinking while you are exercising.
2.  NO SNACKS!  Eat three healthy meals each day.  If you are eating balanced meals, you should not need a snack between meal times.  *Remember, you are an adult, not a growing child!
3.  No fried foods.  If you fry.....you will die!
4.  Eat broth based soups for lunch.  Soups are a low calorie way to fill you up.  The Progresso soups really taste good and come in low sodium varieties, too. (This is also a very economical way to eat lunch each day!)
5.  Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies each day.  Fruits and veggies should be the cornerstone of your nutrition program.  An apple a day really does keep the doctor away!
I know that these are very basic approaches to eating, but I know from my own experiences that they work.  When I eat this way, I feel lean, fast and happy.  When I veer off the cornerstone nutrition principles, I feel heavy, slow and sad.   Try it and see how you feel one week from today.    If you would like to learn more about my perspective on food, friends, faith and fitness check out the Revival Boot Camp Blog at revivalbootcamp.blogspot.com.  This is a collection of all of my emails to the campers over the last two years.  I even went to look at it the other night.  It fun for me to read and reflect on all of our times together.  The song does change from camp to camp, but the message is the same.  Thank you to Menielle Donahoo for compiling the blog for RBC.
If you are new to the group, you have been given a RBC Boot Camp buddy.  This is another person to help you navigate the program and help you feel like one of the group.  If you are a returning camper and want to participate in the buddy program, get with Martha tomorrow morning and she will get you linked up.  This is a great way to meet others in the wonderful community that we live.  Share your story and your heart with another camper.  Trust me it will be a blessing............
I am going to be ordering RBC t-shirts to start the year off.  As you check in tomorrow morning, please indicate the size that you would like on the sign in sheet,  or if you DO NOT want a shirt, please place NO in the box.  (If you do not get a t-shirt, $5 of your registration money will be going to the Feed Between the Lines Program that we started in the fall.)  I will need your size by Friday.  They will be standard short sleeve shirts.  I am not telling you the color!   Thank you to Martha Weyandt for being the RBC administrative assistant.  
Great job with Friday's workout.  I am still feeling the boxing.  I applaud you for standing your ground, fighting through challenge and giving it all you had.  What's next?   We will find out tomorrow.   Enjoy the rest of your day.  See you dark and early tomorrow.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Just checking in......

Dear Campers,
How are you?  I have a feeling that the soreness is starting to creep through your bodies today.  Hydration and movement are the most efficient way to get over that soreness.  The best health and fitness tip ever is to be sure that you are drinking your water each day.  Every system functions better when you are fully hydrated.  Also, be sure that you have had at least 8 ounces of water prior to workout each morning. 

See you dark and early tomorrow,

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Monday Magic

Dear Campers,
Thank you so much for creating such a magic Monday morning today at Revival Boot Camp.  It was so good for the group to be back together and a pleasure to welcome new members to our RBC family.  During this camp we will be following the story of Ruth.  She was an ordinary girl that was put in extraordinary situation.  Her examples of faithfulness, friendship and even a unique fitness challenge will encourage and inspire each of us.  I would encourage you to read the book of Ruth and get to know our leading lady.
I am very proud of you.   Know that I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success.  See you dark and early Wednesday.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Are you ready?

Dear Campers,
Happy New Year!   I hope this email finds you excited and ready to get going again.  We will start the next camp on Monday, January 9, 2012!  We will be kicking off our new year with a study of the journey of Ruth and Naomi.  It will be a great way for our group to bond and really get connected in the new year.  It will certainly reinforce Faith, Friends and Fitness.  I did take a leap of faith and put an ad in the Hood County News that will run on Saturday.  If you see new faces on Monday, please share the steps of The Blessing with each of them.  It will be a 5 week camp and will cost $75.  (*Please remember that cost should not prevent anyone from being at RBC.)  Until we meet again know that I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success!
