Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Dear Campers,
Wow!  You did such a great job with the workout this morning.  Who needs Scared Lions, Yellow Brick Roads, or Wizards when you do all those "Dorothy" squats?  So much fun.

Just a recap of our Blessing book to ensure that we are all feeling connected.
1.  Use physical touch to create the groundwork for future steps.
2.  Use spoken words to ensure connection.
3.  Place high value in the person recieving the blessing.
4.  Use each of the above tools to help visualize an amazing future for the recipient.
I know that this book is changing, encourging and allowing me to bless with intention.  I hope you are having a few new thoughts/actions along the way as well.  Remember, different is good!  Think a thought that creates blessings with every step you take and with everyone you encounter.  Thank you for being so willing to help break down tables today in the gym.  You all worked like finely tuned machines!  Know that I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success.  See you dark and early Wednesday.


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