Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Blessing - Part 1

Dear Campers,
It has been such a blessing to be with you so far this week.  Being with each of you at RBC always brings me joy.  I wanted you to know the name of the book we are studying this session in case you wanted to grab it and follow along.   It is called The Blessing by Gary Smalley and John Trent, Ph.D.  I am so thankful that Menielle Donahoo shared this fantastic book with me.  Today in our devotional time we talked about the element of Meaningful Touch.  The book explains that meaningful touch creates a foundation for words that will be spoken.  I challenged you to intentionally try to begin using this technique with the ones you love.  A gentle hand on a shoulder, a pat on the back, the holding of a hand, a loving hug and even a kiss all serve as a biblical reminder for each of us to use the gift of meaningful touch in our lives.  This may be very hard for you in the beginning or may feel even unnatural; just keep trying and it will create countless new blessings for you and the reciever.  Remember that boot campers are WEIRD and are "ok with being unconfortable!"  (Just in case you forgot!)
Enjoy the extra rest in the morning and remember that the only way RBC works is by building your faith first, your friendships second, and your fitness third.  I want to say thank you to Granbury First United Methodist Church for being the home of our gatherings.   As our closing song says, "let it be said of us, that we were a blessing to all we encountered."

See you dark and early Friday,

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