Friday, November 18, 2011

The Blessing - Part 2

Dear Campers,
What a great week it has been at RBC.  We grew in our faith by learning that meaningful touch is the foundation of words for that will be spoken and a biblical example of love.  We grew our friendships by touching someone that was a sweaty mess and you still loved them.  Seriously, I know that sweaty people, poison ivy victims and leprosy patients are all bit uncomfortable when it comes to meaningful touch, but just like Jesus touched the lepers, you touched the sweaty!  I think that is very neat.   I am hoping that you don't need reminder of how we grew our fitness levels this week.   If your body isn't reminding you already, I feel strongly that it will tomorrow.  
We will have a bonus workout Monday morning.  I know that many of you do not have to go to work that day, so I have an idea that will make it worth you getting out of bed and getting your workout done.......  On Sunday afternoon take a few minutes and plan your grocery shopping list for the entire week.  After RBC let's all change into dry clothes and go get our shopping done.  There is no one at the stores at that time of day, only weirdos!  You could have everything done and spend all the holiday time with your family sharing The Blessing instead of fighting the crowds!   (I promise I won't even give you a hard time about what you are buying!)  I would love for us to be together one more time before Thanksgiving to share each others presence.  See you dark and early Monday.
I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success.


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