Monday, November 28, 2011

The Blessing of Spoken Words

Dear Campers,
I know many of you are already tucked in bed, but I hope that there are a few of you who are still up to read this before the day ends.  Today in camp we talked about the power of the spoken word.  Our book reminds us that when we open our mouths to talk, we have the ability to communicate the blessing to those we love the most.  By deciding to communicate the words of love and acceptance verbally, we do not send away a child, spouse or a friend in need.   There are times in life when positive and loving words are the absolute best gift you can give.   

Proverbs 3:27-28 says, do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in power of your hand to do so.  Do not say,..."go, and come back, and tomorrow I will give it," when you have it with you today.  

That scripture is very powerful to me as it reminds me to share the spoken words of the blessing today and then again tomorrow.
Great job with your workout this morning!   Please bring an extra towel on Wednesday.  *Just a small old rag will be perfect.   I have an extra special workout designed for us.  

Be sure to keep your nutrition in check.  There are tons of holiday food around you.  Choose wisely, my friends!  Can't wait to see you dark and early Wednesday.  

Thank you so much for the joy each of you bring to my world.  

Much love and many blessings,

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Blessing - Part 2

Dear Campers,
What a great week it has been at RBC.  We grew in our faith by learning that meaningful touch is the foundation of words for that will be spoken and a biblical example of love.  We grew our friendships by touching someone that was a sweaty mess and you still loved them.  Seriously, I know that sweaty people, poison ivy victims and leprosy patients are all bit uncomfortable when it comes to meaningful touch, but just like Jesus touched the lepers, you touched the sweaty!  I think that is very neat.   I am hoping that you don't need reminder of how we grew our fitness levels this week.   If your body isn't reminding you already, I feel strongly that it will tomorrow.  
We will have a bonus workout Monday morning.  I know that many of you do not have to go to work that day, so I have an idea that will make it worth you getting out of bed and getting your workout done.......  On Sunday afternoon take a few minutes and plan your grocery shopping list for the entire week.  After RBC let's all change into dry clothes and go get our shopping done.  There is no one at the stores at that time of day, only weirdos!  You could have everything done and spend all the holiday time with your family sharing The Blessing instead of fighting the crowds!   (I promise I won't even give you a hard time about what you are buying!)  I would love for us to be together one more time before Thanksgiving to share each others presence.  See you dark and early Monday.
I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Blessing - Part 1

Dear Campers,
It has been such a blessing to be with you so far this week.  Being with each of you at RBC always brings me joy.  I wanted you to know the name of the book we are studying this session in case you wanted to grab it and follow along.   It is called The Blessing by Gary Smalley and John Trent, Ph.D.  I am so thankful that Menielle Donahoo shared this fantastic book with me.  Today in our devotional time we talked about the element of Meaningful Touch.  The book explains that meaningful touch creates a foundation for words that will be spoken.  I challenged you to intentionally try to begin using this technique with the ones you love.  A gentle hand on a shoulder, a pat on the back, the holding of a hand, a loving hug and even a kiss all serve as a biblical reminder for each of us to use the gift of meaningful touch in our lives.  This may be very hard for you in the beginning or may feel even unnatural; just keep trying and it will create countless new blessings for you and the reciever.  Remember that boot campers are WEIRD and are "ok with being unconfortable!"  (Just in case you forgot!)
Enjoy the extra rest in the morning and remember that the only way RBC works is by building your faith first, your friendships second, and your fitness third.  I want to say thank you to Granbury First United Methodist Church for being the home of our gatherings.   As our closing song says, "let it be said of us, that we were a blessing to all we encountered."

See you dark and early Friday,

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Washed Wednesday at the Y

Dear Campers,
What a beautiful day we have been given!  How are you going to celebrate this fantastic fall day?  I challenge all of us to eat our lunch outside today.  It can be like we are all having lunch together!   Make it happen.
Our scripture moment this week comes from Matthew 14: 27-31.  I would encourage you to read it and draw your own inspiration to find your own parallel life situation.  I am going to ask a few campers to share their "Peter" moment with the group.  
Health tip this week is to remember that water consumption aids in the process of elimination in our digestive system.  If we can improve the function of the digestive system and allow it to remove the waste from our bodies more efficiently, we will probably find ourselves being more efficient in even more aspects of our life.  (*Less time in the bathroom means more time for other things!  Ha!)
Water conservation tip is for you to only use your dishwasher when loads are full.  The problem with this is that many of us rinse the dishes before we wash them because they have to sit there so long to get a complete load!  If you have only used a few plates and utensils, it has been shown that a quick water wash in the sink is a better water conservation technique than to both rinse and then later wash a full dishwasher load.  The average faucet spills about 2 gallons per minute and a completely full dishwasher uses about 6 gallons.  This is the time that you need to stop, think and become aware of your dish washing habits.  You make the best choice for your household, but remember each drop counts! 
Tomorrow we meet at the Y for a water workout.  As I mentioned last week, I do not want your to wear swim suits.  I want you to be fully clothed.  Jeans, shorts or tights, a fitted long sleeve shirt and old tennis shoes are the proper H20 RBC workout wear.  Be sure that they are snug, but not too tight to move.  The clothing is designed to give you support where your body needs it and create a more challenging experience in the water.  Bring an extra towel to use a knee spot.  DO NOT depend on the Y to supply whatever towel situation you are going to need.    If you are showering or changing at the Y,  be sure to have your own stuff.  The Y does not need 50 people slamming their towel supply at one time. 
I can't wait to see you dark and early tomorrow at the Y.  Let's get washed!
