Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pack it up for Friday!

Dear Campers,
Wow, the winds of change have arrived with the weather in Granbury today.  I always find myself telling everyone that change is good, but to be honest, changing to cold weather is a tough one for me.  I can hear all of you saying, "Amy, just be ok with being uncomfortable!"  Isn't the accountability of RBC a remarkable thing for all of us?  
Our scripture focus this week comes from Isaiah 43:2, "when you pass through the waters, I will be with you; they shall not overflow you.  When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned nor shall the flames scorch you."  This is such a comfort to me to know that when life sends challenges my way, I will always have God with me. 
The heath tip reminder is that water helps to regulate our body temperature.  If you are cold, drink warm water or a cup of green tea.  I promise a cup a green tea this afternoon will warm your body and energize you, as well.
 Environmentally, remember to use leftover ice to water your house plants.  Decide to never pour ice down the drain.  There is always a plant that could use it.  Small steps lead to big changes!
Remember that tomorrow is Back Pack Workout day.  You pack should weigh at least 10 pounds...15 would be great for your body and our food pantry, too!!  It will be a blast!   Remember to wrap those canned goods up tight in a big towel to keep them compact and cushioned in your backpack.  If you have not gotten your goods yet, I have heard that there is a need for canned meats and peanut butter.  You are a part of such a great thing in doing this.  All I can say to you now is THANK YOU and your quads will say thank you later!
Also, I am needing a firm commitment about your participation in the water workout next Wednesday, November 2.  I need to have the appropriate number of life guards to meet YMCA safety requirements.  Commit day is tomorrow!  Please let Martha know yes or no as you sign in tomorrow. 
Find comfort knowing that God is with you, seek comfort in a warm beverage today and live with comfort know your are making the world a better place.  I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success.

See you cold, dark and early tomorrow,

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