Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mid-week wash

Dear Campers.
I wanted to take a moment and update you on a few of our scripture references that have guided our journey this session. 

Isaiah 12:3 - With JOY you shall draw water; water from the wells of salvation.
Proverbs 25:25 - Just as cold water is to a weary soul, so is good news from a far country.
When I reflect on these two simple sentences, it truly describes how each of us are called to live our lives.  When we joyfully draw from the well, our soul should will no longer feel weary.   Last Friday we learned that joy is the fusion of happiness, contentment and gratitude all wrapped up in one emotion.  So, now I ask, "what fills your cup, or soothes your weary soul"?  Whatever it is, it must bring you JOY!  Turn your "joy detector" on and find out what makes it beep!
Water Conservation Actions:
Turn off the water as you brush your teeth!  Use a cup.
Do not use sprinklers on windy days.
Fix your leaky faucets!   *Hooray to Rebecca and Wayne for taking action to create a conservation reaction!! 
Water Works in Your Body:
Water helps to alleviate headaches.
Water helps to cushion and lubricate your joints.
Hydration helps your body do EVERYTHING more efficiently. 
I thank you for changing this weeks schedule.  I will see you tomorrow (Thursday) for our third workout this week.  We will be recognizing the participants in the run this Saturday. 

Thank you for the joy you bring to my life.

See you dark and early,

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