Friday, October 7, 2011

Great week washed in the water...

Hi Campers,
It has been a great week at RBC!   We have directed our attention to the scriptural elements of water, we have reflected on the importance of water in our bodies and we have focused on ways to take care of this precious resource.  I am so proud of you and thank you so much for being willing to open your heart and hands to create fluidity in our lives.  

A brief recap of our week:
Genesis 1:20 - God said, "Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures and let the birds fly above the face of heaven."
Hydration brings clearer thinking processes.  Think and drink!
Shorten your shower to 3 minutes.
Genesis 21: 14-19 - This is the story of Hagar and son being lost without water and God opened her eyes to see the well.
Staying hydrated actually gives us more energy.  Powerful thoughts and actions require hydration!
Keep an extra bottle of water in your car for emergencies!  You never know who might need the energy of water to get through their day,
Genesis 2:10 - Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there, it parted and became four river heads.

Water, much like a river, carries nutrients to each cell in our body.  See it as a conductor of electricity.  Ask yourself what kind of nutrients are you asking your body to deliver?  Put good in and get good out..........

I would challenge each one of us, as Granbury residents, to make the commitment to keep Lake Granbury clean.  It is just a wide spot in the Brazos River.  What if we treated it like it was the river out of Eden?   Hmmmmm.....

Remember that we will meet on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday of next week.  Enjoy your weekend, but remember the importance of water with each drink, splash or spill.  

*We might even get rain....keep praying.  There will be a group of runners/walkers leaving from the Y on Saturday morning at 6:30.  Also, if you would like to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors this evening, tonight is First Friday at Barking Rocks.

I love each and every moment that I get to spend with this group of believers.  Being with "like-minded" individuals is so nurturing to the soul.  Thank you again.  I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success!  

See you dark and early Tuesday,

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