Friday, October 28, 2011

Thank you!

Dear Campers,
THANK YOU SO MUCH for the generous donation of food this morning at RBC!  There was 600 pounds of food that was blessed with each and every squat this morning.  Our church's food pantry serves so many people each week right here in Granbury.  You are making good things happen and washing yourself in the water of life with each and every act of kindness.  The commitment to your faith, your friends and your fitness never ceases to amaze me. 
We will meet dark and early at the church on Monday and then take it to the waters of the Y for our workout on Wednesday.  I need you to let Martha know on Monday if you plan on making a splash! Commitment means business!
It looks like we will have beautiful weekend weather, so get out outside and enjoy it!  There will be a group run/walk starting at 5:30 and another starting at 8:00 (both leaving from the Y).  Use this a a way to connect with your fitness friends.
See you dark and early on Monday at the church.

Thank you again,

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pack it up for Friday!

Dear Campers,
Wow, the winds of change have arrived with the weather in Granbury today.  I always find myself telling everyone that change is good, but to be honest, changing to cold weather is a tough one for me.  I can hear all of you saying, "Amy, just be ok with being uncomfortable!"  Isn't the accountability of RBC a remarkable thing for all of us?  
Our scripture focus this week comes from Isaiah 43:2, "when you pass through the waters, I will be with you; they shall not overflow you.  When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned nor shall the flames scorch you."  This is such a comfort to me to know that when life sends challenges my way, I will always have God with me. 
The heath tip reminder is that water helps to regulate our body temperature.  If you are cold, drink warm water or a cup of green tea.  I promise a cup a green tea this afternoon will warm your body and energize you, as well.
 Environmentally, remember to use leftover ice to water your house plants.  Decide to never pour ice down the drain.  There is always a plant that could use it.  Small steps lead to big changes!
Remember that tomorrow is Back Pack Workout day.  You pack should weigh at least 10 pounds...15 would be great for your body and our food pantry, too!!  It will be a blast!   Remember to wrap those canned goods up tight in a big towel to keep them compact and cushioned in your backpack.  If you have not gotten your goods yet, I have heard that there is a need for canned meats and peanut butter.  You are a part of such a great thing in doing this.  All I can say to you now is THANK YOU and your quads will say thank you later!
Also, I am needing a firm commitment about your participation in the water workout next Wednesday, November 2.  I need to have the appropriate number of life guards to meet YMCA safety requirements.  Commit day is tomorrow!  Please let Martha know yes or no as you sign in tomorrow. 
Find comfort knowing that God is with you, seek comfort in a warm beverage today and live with comfort know your are making the world a better place.  I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success.

See you cold, dark and early tomorrow,

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mid-week wash

Dear Campers.
I wanted to take a moment and update you on a few of our scripture references that have guided our journey this session. 

Isaiah 12:3 - With JOY you shall draw water; water from the wells of salvation.
Proverbs 25:25 - Just as cold water is to a weary soul, so is good news from a far country.
When I reflect on these two simple sentences, it truly describes how each of us are called to live our lives.  When we joyfully draw from the well, our soul should will no longer feel weary.   Last Friday we learned that joy is the fusion of happiness, contentment and gratitude all wrapped up in one emotion.  So, now I ask, "what fills your cup, or soothes your weary soul"?  Whatever it is, it must bring you JOY!  Turn your "joy detector" on and find out what makes it beep!
Water Conservation Actions:
Turn off the water as you brush your teeth!  Use a cup.
Do not use sprinklers on windy days.
Fix your leaky faucets!   *Hooray to Rebecca and Wayne for taking action to create a conservation reaction!! 
Water Works in Your Body:
Water helps to alleviate headaches.
Water helps to cushion and lubricate your joints.
Hydration helps your body do EVERYTHING more efficiently. 
I thank you for changing this weeks schedule.  I will see you tomorrow (Thursday) for our third workout this week.  We will be recognizing the participants in the run this Saturday. 

Thank you for the joy you bring to my life.

See you dark and early,

Friday, October 7, 2011

Great week washed in the water...

Hi Campers,
It has been a great week at RBC!   We have directed our attention to the scriptural elements of water, we have reflected on the importance of water in our bodies and we have focused on ways to take care of this precious resource.  I am so proud of you and thank you so much for being willing to open your heart and hands to create fluidity in our lives.  

A brief recap of our week:
Genesis 1:20 - God said, "Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures and let the birds fly above the face of heaven."
Hydration brings clearer thinking processes.  Think and drink!
Shorten your shower to 3 minutes.
Genesis 21: 14-19 - This is the story of Hagar and son being lost without water and God opened her eyes to see the well.
Staying hydrated actually gives us more energy.  Powerful thoughts and actions require hydration!
Keep an extra bottle of water in your car for emergencies!  You never know who might need the energy of water to get through their day,
Genesis 2:10 - Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there, it parted and became four river heads.

Water, much like a river, carries nutrients to each cell in our body.  See it as a conductor of electricity.  Ask yourself what kind of nutrients are you asking your body to deliver?  Put good in and get good out..........

I would challenge each one of us, as Granbury residents, to make the commitment to keep Lake Granbury clean.  It is just a wide spot in the Brazos River.  What if we treated it like it was the river out of Eden?   Hmmmmm.....

Remember that we will meet on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday of next week.  Enjoy your weekend, but remember the importance of water with each drink, splash or spill.  

*We might even get rain....keep praying.  There will be a group of runners/walkers leaving from the Y on Saturday morning at 6:30.  Also, if you would like to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors this evening, tonight is First Friday at Barking Rocks.

I love each and every moment that I get to spend with this group of believers.  Being with "like-minded" individuals is so nurturing to the soul.  Thank you again.  I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success!  

See you dark and early Tuesday,

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday...Washed by the Waters

Dear Campers,
What a great start to a new camp!  You did a super job this morning.  Thank you for making yourself present in such a beautiful way.  You inspire me with each smile, each squat and even  every single grimace of pain.  This will be a fantastic 5 week session.  We will be turning our attention to the element of water.  As I mentioned this morning, there are 722 water references in the bible.  The first is Genesis 1:2 and it flows all the way through Revelations 22:17.  Without water, life cannot exist.  It is critical to every cell in our bodies.  The human body is over 70% water and will begin to loose optimal functioning the moment dehydration begins to occur.  Water is the "electricity" of life!    Each day during this camp we will celebrate a scripture that pertains to water, learn an important fact about hydration and create change in our approach to preserving this vital resource.  

*Our first scripture is Genesis 1:20 -  Then God said, "let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures and let the birds fly about the face of the heavens."  

*We learned that water consumption brings clearer thought process.  When signs of dehydration creep in, cognitive skill begin to diminish.  Water is such a key element to survival that when lost in the desert, the human body sees mirages of water as a coping mechanism and as a way to signal the body to forge on with a final push to find the elixir of life.

*Today I challenged you to take 3 minute showers as a way for us to conserve water in during this drought.  (Maybe some of the changes will stick with us even when it rains again.  It will rain again, just keep praying!)  If you need to shave and shampoo, then turn the water off, suds up, then rinse off.  See it as a challenge and a way to work on your fast twitch muscle fibers!!!  
There are a few date modifications that I need to make to this camp schedule.  GISD will be out of school on Monday, Oct. 10 for Columbus Day.  We will not meet that day.  That week we will meet on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.  The following week, October 17-21, many of your fellow campers will be participating the the Stephenville Spooktacular fun run (you, too can still get registered!) on October 22, so the week prior to that we will meet on Monday 17, Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20.  Sorry if that is confusing....just ask and keep checking your email!
There is a group of campers that are meeting to walk/run on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the Y.  If you want to be a part of this group, just come.  Same time different channel!  

Unless I see you tomorrow at the Y to run, I will see you dark and early Wednesday morning.

Be thankful for our water.  


Sunday, October 2, 2011

New boot camp

Dear Campers,
Just a reminder that a new 5 week camp starts tomorrow.  I am so excited to share our focus with each of you.  The camp costs $75.  Any amount you choose to pay over that will be donated to our "Feed Between the Lines" program.  We will be supporting this program again on lieu of T-shirts this session.  (Please know that if you are not coming to RBC due to financial restraints, just come anyway.  If you need to pay by the week or even by the session you can.  If you want to be developing your faith, your friendships and your fitness  levels, this is the place for you.)  Tomorrow will be a great time to bring a friend into our flocks.  Be sure to bring your WATER!

See you dark and early,