Monday, April 25, 2011


Dear Campers,
 Welcome to Weird!  This is just a quick check in and a reminder that you did a great job this morning!  (*Yes, everyone is fine.  I have heard from both Margaret and Brook, talk about weirdos!!  Wow!)
When you feel like you there is never enough time in the day to to all the things that you want to do, remember that you have enough time to do everything that God wants you to do.  We are reminded of this in 2 Peter 1:3. "He has given to each of us all things that pertain to life and godliness".   I had a "light bulb moment" yesterday when finally I realized the TV show Cake Boss DID NOT pertain to me!  It had gotten so bad yesterday that my need for sugar laden confections had me running to get candy out of my own kids Easter baskets!  I was giving away all the wonderful time that God has given me and getting myself in trouble at the same time.  Sorry Buddy, our relationship has to end right now, God has better plans for me.   Normal Americans spend 2.8 hours a day watching TV.  I can't speak for you, but normal just isn't working for me anymore.  
 I can't wait until dark and early tomorrow.   Being a Boot Camper means that you exercise at 5:00 am and you go to bed at 9:00 pm.  You are so weird!

Good night,

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Good idea...

Hi Campers,
Today would be a great day to make a bit of time for some push-ups!  Try to work in 100 throughout the day.  Create meaningful moments and meaningful movements!

I am praying for your safety, strength and success,

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I'm possible!

Dear Campers,
Happy "week off from RBC" Eve!  I have been so excited to tell you that there are 71 less pounds of boot campers in Granbury!  It was so much fun to write that check this morning at church!  I am so proud of you.  You did the work and made great choices.  Thank you for making Revival Boot Camp so fantastic.
I have heard via the grapevine that a few of you are worried about having a week off from your workout.  This make me think three things:
  • You are all official members of the wonderfully weird fitness lovers club!   This is fantastic.  You are investing in your health and longevity. 
  • You need to understand the power of recovery.  Many times the thing our bodies need the most is rest and time to heal and come back even stronger.  Do not be scared that you will loose your mojo this week.  Continue to make good nutrition choices and set yourself up for success next week. 
  • Let's make a few opportunities to play together away from RBC!  There will be a group of campers meeting at the Y each morning at 5:00 am to walk and or run this week.  This could be just what you needed to change things up a bit.  It's called "active recovery" in the fitness training industry.  I will be joining the group on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
In this week leading up to Easter, allow yourself time to reflect on your life's ups and downs or "Jerusalem's" as our pastor, Neil Norman, spoke about this morning in worship.  As Christians, this is our week to really work on the concept of "being ok with being uncomfortable."  For Jesus, being willing to be ok with being uncomfortable brought salvation to each of us.  This is the best example and most perfect gift we could ever be given!  Right now you may be in the midst of a "Jerusalem" in your own life and if you are, know that you are loved by God and loved by a group of believers that will stand strong with you until things get better.    

Enjoy this week.  Relish the rest.  Savor the sleep. Move in a new groove.  Anticipate His resurrection! 

Filled with gratitude and possibilities,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hey Campers!
What about that 38 minutes of workout this morning?  I sure had fun and felt the love in my hamstrings and arms as well.  We have two more workouts in this session and will be on a week break next week.  Thanks to my technical crew this morning with the help saving me and my music!  Yet another "impossible" situation made possible!  Have a blessed day and continue to share the good news with others.

I'm possible,

Friday, April 8, 2011


Dear Campers,
What a great week it has been!  I am so proud of each of you, each drop of sweat, and each impossible moment made possible by you.

This weekend make good choices.  Create a fitness event for yourself and share it with others.  Continue to know that it is OK to be uncomfortable.  Spend time in prayer inviting God to create new possibilities for you!
Remember that I will not see you again until dark and early on Tuesday.  See you on the other side of 70.3 miles!

I'm possible,

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Hi Campers,
Great job on that incredible workout this morning!  It was a great example of you having to weave your brain and body together to create that criss-cross squat series.   Making your body adapt to new motor skills is such a critical link to staying young and thinking young!   I know you are excited to see and experience what tomorrow has in store for your body........anything is possible.
Just a reminder that we WILL NOT meet next Monday, April 11.  We will meet Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week.  Thank you to all of you for the sweet card and words of encouragement to me about this weekend's half Ironman event for me.  Please send prayers of possibilities my way on Sunday morning. 
I can't wait to see you tomorrow dark and early,

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monsoon Monday!

Dear Campers,
What a blessing the rain was this morning!  Maybe it will help clear up all the junk that has been in the air.  I know many of you have been suffering with allergy issues.  We were missing quite a few campers this morning.  I think this was the most missed RBC ever.  You are at the midway poin in this camp.  Come on, get here tomorrow!!!  

Great job to those that braved the storm and made it through the wall-sits, planks and full body push-ups.  Although many of you thought that full body push-ups were IMPOSSIBLE, I hope that you told yourself over and over again, "I'M POSSIBLE!"  

Tomorrow's workout will be fast paced and action packed.  There will be lots of boxing and kicking to activate those fast twitch muscle fibers.  Remember, fast twitch muscle fibers are the fountain of youth.  You can never gain the ability to move faster, by moving slower!!   

Happy birthday to Nena toady.  Frank we are sending our love and Suzanne, we are sending prayers of comfort to your family for the loss of your father. 
Successful keys to the day:
1.  Spend at least 3 minutes 3 times today in prayer.
2.  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
3.  Find something funny today and enjoy the benefits of laughter.
4.  Eat with wisdom......   Seriously, just ask yourself, "is this good for my health?" 
5.  Share something that is important to you with someone else today.
6.  Get to be around 9:00 tonight.
See you dark and early Tuesday,