Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Dear Campers,
Congratulations on finishing such a strenuous workout this morning.  I am so proud of you.  I understand how hard it is to make new habits and to let go of old habits that have been holding in a pattern that has you stuck in a place where you do not want to be.  It was so much fun to celebrate so many "mini-victories" with you this morning.  
I would like to share our guiding scripture with you so that you can commit it to memory and draw strength from it when you need it.
Romans 12:12 - Do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the daily renewing of your mind.  

This is one of my favorite scriptures and is a reminder to me that I can get out of a rut if I use the right tools.  One of the most powerful tools is a surrounding yourself with a community of people that want the same changes.  A community creates belief that change is possible and sometimes knowing that there is even a possibility is enough to disrupt the habit loop.  In his book The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg writes, "Change occurs among other people.  It seems real when we can see it in other people's eyes.  Belief is easier when it occurs within a community."  We are so blessed to have such a fantastic group at RBC that wants to see the change in your eyes.  Keep your eyes on the prize and share your stories with the group.  We want to know what makes you tick.
The book that we are studying identifies a few particular things that are "keystone habits."  Keystone habits are those big habits that trickle into other habits in our lives.  I have identified three that I would like for you to focus on.
1.  Drink your water.  It's summer time in Texas.  Consume at least half your body weight in ounces of water each day.  Being hydrated will aid you in making healthier food choices and give your body the fluid it needs to function at peak performance.  
2.  Make your bed.  Bed making signals the brain that the sleep cycle is over and that you are ready to move through your day,   It creates order and encourages you to carry that orderly behavior throughout the rest of your day.
3.  Keep a food journal.  Research has shown that one of the keystone habits that changes unhealthy eating patterns is to log it somehow.  I am currently using the My Fitness Pal app and I would be happy for you to invite me to be your accountability community in this endeavor.  I already got one request this morning!  
Keep up the good work and begin to see your good habit loop beginning to shift from intentional to automatic.  Wouldn't it be great if eating healthy, exercising, and caring for our bodies was automatic and we didn't even have to think about it?  That's exactly what we want to happen.  We can and will make happen at RBC.  See you dark and early Friday.  


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