Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Dear Campers,

It was so good to be with each of you yesterday morning at RBC. The week off was very restful for me but I am ready to jump back into what we do best. This session we will be studying the book of Daniel. Daniel is an Old Testament book that follows the experiences of Daniel and three of his friends. Much like Ruth, Daniel finds himself in situations where his faith is tested multiple times. He has been characterized by his faith, powerful prayers, courage, consistency and most importantly, his lack of compromise. He held on to his faith through outrageous circumstances. It is my hope that during our time together over the next six weeks each of us gets stronger, kinder, braver, begins to feel unstoppable and truly begins to live a FIERCE life !

If you are sore today...good! If you are not sore at all, then you didn't work hard enough yesterday. For a few of you, it's time to get new and heavier dumbbells. I would rather you miss a few reps and be challenged then to breeze through with nothing new! Remember that you should be drinking close to a gallon of water each day. Staying hydrated is the key to so many locks! Tomorrow punches will fly and iron will be thrown!

It's not too late to join us if you missed on Monday....we are still your people! See you dark and early.


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