Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday Wisdom

Hi Campers,
Fantastic job with those Spiderman push-ups this morning!  You never cease to amaze me with the things you are willing to try and the things that you accomplish when you do try.  I keep having this feeling that one day  I am going to throw a new thing your way and you will say, "NO WAY" but today was not that day, and for that I am grateful! 
As we introduced ourselves to a strangers at RBC this morning, I challenged you to introduce yourself to at least one person in the community today, too.   Allow them to see the joy that radiates from your soul.  Share that joy with others and yours will magnify as a result of your kindness.  Cross the line (in a positive way) with a stranger today!  Like our closing song said this morning...."YOUR UNBELIEVABLE"!   I am praying for your safety, your strength and your success!

See you dark and early on Friday,
P.S.  Many of you hae asked about next camp.  Here's the answer... October 3-Nov 4!  

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