Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Stephenville Run

Hey Happy Campers,
I hope that you are using the week to get caught op on your rest, recover and re-boot for out next session.  I wanted you to know that I will be turning in the registration forms for the Stephenville Run tomorrow.  The event is on October 22.  Let me know if you are interested and I can get you all the particulars.  The following link will get you there as well.  We are getting a 10% discount if you sign up early and with the group.  It will be a very fun event and let me assure you, if you can do RBC, you can do a 5K!
Missing you,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday Wisdom

Hi Campers,
Fantastic job with those Spiderman push-ups this morning!  You never cease to amaze me with the things you are willing to try and the things that you accomplish when you do try.  I keep having this feeling that one day  I am going to throw a new thing your way and you will say, "NO WAY" but today was not that day, and for that I am grateful! 
As we introduced ourselves to a strangers at RBC this morning, I challenged you to introduce yourself to at least one person in the community today, too.   Allow them to see the joy that radiates from your soul.  Share that joy with others and yours will magnify as a result of your kindness.  Cross the line (in a positive way) with a stranger today!  Like our closing song said this morning...."YOUR UNBELIEVABLE"!   I am praying for your safety, your strength and your success!

See you dark and early on Friday,
P.S.  Many of you hae asked about next camp.  Here's the answer... October 3-Nov 4!  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Good morning sweet campers!   

Just wanting to see if there is any hula-hoop love in Granbury this morning?   You did great with the new stuff that I threw at your body yesterday.  Today I am challenging you to make one of your "5 above the line" GRATITUDE.  I am happy to report that even though my alarm went off this morning without a hitch, I was still able to instantly shift into Gratitude Mode.  

Can't wait to see you tomorrow.  I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success at changing your lines.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Thank you

Dear Campers,
I know that many of you saw the thank you post and picture of all the food from yesterday on Facebook.  If you have not, check it out, because you were a part of a great moment.  I was overwhelmed by your generous gift and you willingness to choose to change the lines.  Your workout yesterday not only changed the lines of your own health and fitness, but also changed the health of those that will be receiving the food.  You provided over 500 pounds of food..................amazing!   

I had a great meeting yesterday with Stacy Bishop (the counselor) and Jimmy Dawson (the Principal) at Acton Middle School.  We are working out the kinks and are going to jump to our "Feed Between the Lines" program.   They were overwhelmed with our idea and generosity.  The RBC program will initially be designed to get healthy food to the kids that don't have anything to eat prior to their participation in an athletic event.  Many parent bring food to their kids, but I have been told by the coaches that at least 50% of the kids do not have any pre-game fuel.  You are making great things happen for kids and I am so proud of you.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  We will be working with both Acton Middle School and Granbury Middle School!
We have one more week to go in this camp.  Renew you commitment to healthy eating and make good choices over the weekend.  

Thank you and see you dark and early Monday,

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Friday challenge

Dear Campers,
Thank you in advance for accepting the back pack challenge for tomorrow.  If you were not at RBC on Wednesday, here are the steps to success for tomorrow.
1.  Locate a backpack.......do not go buy one.  If you need one, just let me know.  Any kind of backpack will work. 
2.  Lay a large towel on the ground and place 10 can of food in that towel.  
3.  Wrap the canned goods in the towel just like a gift.
4.  Place that gift inside the backpack and zip it up!
5.  Bring this backpack to RBC tomorrow.....bring your dumbbells, workout towel and water too!
Tomorrow we will workout outside again, unless it is raining.  Let's meet inside just as usual.  You will wear your backpack for the entire workout and the share the gift of the food before you leave.  It is the coolest thing ever, and I am so excited.  This is definitely outside the lines! 
See you dark and early,

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Hey Campers,
Tomorrow I choose faith, friends and fitness under the full moon!  You might want to start out with your sleeves on!  What a fun change!  Go ahead and come in get checked in and for me to give you a few keys to success during the workout.

See you dark and early,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Dear Campers,
Thank you for hearing my plea to change from t-shirt aquisition to getting nutrition to the kids caught between the lines.  I have a meeting scheduled with Stacy Bishop at AMS and with Jincy Ross (Jincy, just say "yes!") at GMS to begin to formulate a plan of action.  Thank you for commitment to faith, friends and fitness.  I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success!

See you dark and early tomorrow,