Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday gifts

Dear Campers,
Great job with the workout this morning.  You pulled, you pushed, you skied and you squated your way to fierce!  Remember you can either be sore tomorrow or sorry tomorrow.  I choose sore!   This week our focus has been on receiving gifts.  Gifts are  (and have been for centuries) a way to express love to other people.  In one aspect, gifts are a tangible item  that communicates that you were thought about by the giver while you were apart from each other.  What an honor and and true reflection of love that is.  Another aspect of gifts is to open our eyes and see the gifts that God has already placed around us to enjoy.  Enjoy the green grass, colorful flowers and the chirping birds.  Each of these are a gift that God wants us to enjoy.  And then there is the gift of your presence.  Just be where you need to be.  For people that are Quality Time 'speakers' the most important gift you can give is to be present in their lives in times of joy, celebration, sorrow or heartbreak.  Gifts come in many shapes and sizes, different dollar amounts and in the juggling of our lives to be able to give our time to others that need it the most.  *Oh, and by the way, I will be re-gifting those bands to you again before you know it!!  
I am so proud of you.  Your outrageous food pantry donation last week created a challenge for us.  There is LOTS of pasta sauce and NO pasta!  Can you scrounge your pantry and bring a package or box of dry pasta tomorrow, please?  I love creative solution seeking!  (Truly, I thought about the pasta thing, but it didn't seem heavy enough to put in a backpack!!!)  What a great gift you bring each time you come to RBC.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  See you dark and early TOMORROW (Thursday).


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