Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Get ready for tomorrow.......

Dear Campers,

Just a reminder that RBC starts tomorrow, May 30. This will be another 5 week camp and will end with a BANG on the 4th of July! If you will be vacationing during this camp, remember that you only need to pay of the days you will be attending RBC! Each workout is $5.00. Make your commitment to be there even though it is the summer. We will be studying a book called The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. This thought process will help make you more FIERCE than ever before! I have missed you and am ready to get going again!

See you dark and early.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday gifts

Dear Campers,
Great job with the workout this morning.  You pulled, you pushed, you skied and you squated your way to fierce!  Remember you can either be sore tomorrow or sorry tomorrow.  I choose sore!   This week our focus has been on receiving gifts.  Gifts are  (and have been for centuries) a way to express love to other people.  In one aspect, gifts are a tangible item  that communicates that you were thought about by the giver while you were apart from each other.  What an honor and and true reflection of love that is.  Another aspect of gifts is to open our eyes and see the gifts that God has already placed around us to enjoy.  Enjoy the green grass, colorful flowers and the chirping birds.  Each of these are a gift that God wants us to enjoy.  And then there is the gift of your presence.  Just be where you need to be.  For people that are Quality Time 'speakers' the most important gift you can give is to be present in their lives in times of joy, celebration, sorrow or heartbreak.  Gifts come in many shapes and sizes, different dollar amounts and in the juggling of our lives to be able to give our time to others that need it the most.  *Oh, and by the way, I will be re-gifting those bands to you again before you know it!!  
I am so proud of you.  Your outrageous food pantry donation last week created a challenge for us.  There is LOTS of pasta sauce and NO pasta!  Can you scrounge your pantry and bring a package or box of dry pasta tomorrow, please?  I love creative solution seeking!  (Truly, I thought about the pasta thing, but it didn't seem heavy enough to put in a backpack!!!)  What a great gift you bring each time you come to RBC.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  See you dark and early TOMORROW (Thursday).


Monday, May 7, 2012

Physical touch week

Dear Campers,
Happy Monday!   As I am writing this email to you I am sitting in a room with nervous college students that are taking my final exam.  Since this semester has been like none other that I have ever had, I decided to make the test like none other than I have ever given.   I simply asked them to list 100 things that they have learned by being in my class this semester.  I requested that 70% of the answers be based in exercise science and allowed the other 30% to be about life lessons that they can apply to their future.  Before passing out the test, I gave each one of them the orange Stronger, Braver, Kinder, Unstoppable & Fierce pictures that are just like the ones that each of you have from the last camp.  I wanted them to know Fierce living is fantastic living.   I told them that they are now part of an elite group of people that live their faith first, lift their friends second and place high value on their fitness.  These are the future trainers, coaches and fitness professionals that will lead the next generation to the ways of a healthy lifestyle.   Keep your torches lit and show them the way.   Here they come!
This week our primary love language is in the dialect of Physical Touch.  Scripture tells us that Jesus used physical touch to heal, express love and show acceptance to everyone he encountered.  He truly touched the untouchable.  One way to begin to tap into this with people is to gauge their reaction to a simple handshake.  If the person holds it a fraction longer than normal, it is a signal to the world that they are a physical touch person.  It is similar to a blinker on a car.  It lets you know what direction they are traveling in.  If you are a physical touch person, you are already doing this without your knowledge!  If physical touch is the primary love language of your spouse, your children or your friends, use this dialect to draw them to you like a magnet.   It will help create that shelter to weather the storms of life. 
While you are creating your weekly shopping list,  please add spaghetti sauce and peanut butter to it.  Our Backpack workout will be this Friday.  These two items seem to be very helpful in creating meals for families that benefit from our Food Pantry.  Please remember to grab plastic bottles or cans.  Try to go as healthy as is possible, too.  If you have never done a Backpack workout with us before, follow these easy steps:
1.  Snag a backpack from anywhere. (Don't go buy one, let me know if you really don't have one.)
2.  Load it up with 8-10 pounds of spaghetti sauce or PB.
3.  Wear it during the entire workout on Friday.
4.  Donate the food to our Food Pantry as you leave on Friday.
See you dark and early Wednesday. 
 Lots of hugs this week, ok?