Thursday, August 25, 2011


Sweet Campers,
The wisdom today from is to find your "5 above the line".   Make the RBC hand signal today to remind yourself that only 5 things can successfully occupy 80% of your time.  I challenge you to share that idea with at least one other person.  More is not better....better is better.  Great job with the box and band workout yesterday.  Hope it was fun and challenging to you.  Please let me know if I can help you in any way as we move together on this journey to faith, friends, and fitness.

I care about your safety, your strength and your success.
See you dark and early,

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Find your line

Happy Tuesday, Campers!
How are you?  First thing this morning (as I was drinking my water) my legs told me that they loved all the squats from yesterday!  I hope yours spoke similar words.  

Yesterday we began our journey to faith, friends, and fitness by discussing "the lines" that are around us.  I encouraged you to become aware of the thousands of physical lines that shape our daily lives.  Some of these could be the lines on highways, lines in architecture, lines in furniture or even the lines on our faces!  These are the lines that allow us to move safely in many directions, add structure to our lives and to apply beautiful distinction to our faces.  As you move through the rest of your day, continue to see these lines and reflect on their purpose.  (You may even want to journal some of your thoughts so far.)  We will continue our journey tomorrow morning.  
I want to express gratitude to Granbury First United Methodist Church for being the place to "find your line" this session.  

See you dark and early,